Let’s break the ice
The Electronic Pollbook Voter Registration and Check-In system provides a convenient and secure voter check-in solution using barcode scanning technology used to scan drivers license for the voters of Harris County, Texas and has been utilized in 35 plus elections spanning from 2017 through 2024.
With over 3500 iPads deployed in a county wide election, each iPad syncs voter check-in information across the rest of the iPads across the county to ensure information is synced correctly at each polling location. In elections since 2018, the system was processing up to 3000 voter check-ins per minute.
Additionally, a live secure console allows election administrators to manage every aspect of an election and to visualize real-time events such as current check-ins per polling location, check-ins per district and across the county. The system allows the team to identify potential issues such as battery life of a particular iPad, whether it has been plugged in, connectivity, poll workers, messaging, opening and closing the polls to validating procedures by election judges and clerks.
The Challenge:
Ensuring High Availability and Redundancy
Connectivity-Independent Functionality
Security and Data Protection
Scalability and Load Balancing
Mobile Application Development
Real-Time Synchronization Across 3,500+ Devices
Implementation of County-Wide Vote Centers
ADA Compliance
Administrative Portal Development
Integration of New Features (e.g., Timesheets)
Adhering to Strict Timelines
User Training and Support
Key Features
ePollbook Mobile App - Enterprise Apple iPad Distribution
Fully Certified ePollboook mobile app used to validate voters for Early and Election Day Elections
SaaS Portal - ePollbook Management Console
Portal allows for setup and management of elections including realtime management of check-ins, devices, dashboards and integration with Election Registration Systems.
County Wide Election Types
All Election Types Supported – General, Primary, Runoff, Special - full County Wide elections whereby voters can go to any location and vote.
Election Modes
Election Day, Early Voting, Training and Demo Modes
Ballot Generation
Generates the correct Ballot Style based on your registration information regardless of where you vote.
Public Wait-Times WebApp
Determines realtime wait-times, allowing voters to check locations closest to them for determining least timeframe to vote
Digital Signatures
Signatures are captured by voters on the iPad and transferred securely for reporting and validation
Realtime Device Management and GPS
Realtime management of Power, Sync Status, Reporting, Sync status, Device information and more
Time Tracking
Up to 10k personnel are hired for large elections, realtime time tracking and integration with payment services
Integration with Hart and ESS voting systems
ePollbooks is compatible with both Hart Verity and ESS Election Software & Systems ExpressVote Systems.
ContentActive continues to deliver solutions using the ePollbook system for Harris County making the entire process:
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